Security SIG Annual Report 2005

The Security Special Interest Group was established November 2003. In June 2005 the SIG has 17 members. The SIG leaders are Jose J. Gonzalez and Klaus Breuer.

The SIG’s formal part – establishing a home page with list server – is still pending. This is very regrettable. The main reason for this is that Jose’s hope that his institution would provide financial resources for secretarial activities did not materialize. We will deal with this unsatisfactory situation in the SIG Group Meeting at the ISDC 2005.

The informal part of the SIG is more satisfactory. The SIG activities have been conducted informally by email and oral contacts.

One main activity by the Security SIG (or members of the SIG) has been to convene a special session on Critical Infrastructure security dynamics as well as to help organize other security sessions at the ISDC 2005.

Another activity by members of the SIG has been a series of workshops related to information security (in Pittsburgh, PA, USA and Grimstad, Norway). This has resulted in several joint papers (to ISDC 2005, HICSS 2006 and some journals).

Jose J Gonzalez

Klaus Breuer