OCTOBER 2004 - JULY 2005

The chapter held a general meeting on Friday 1st October 2004 for the election of its new executive committee. Thirty (30) members of the HCSDS voted in situ as well as electronically. Two weeks later, four of the newly elected members met in Athens to decide roles and responsibilities. As a result the executive committee for the 2005-2006 term is composed as follows: 

1.  Dr George Papaioannou, Public Power Corporation and CRANS, University of Patras, Greece (President)

2.      Prof. Emmanuel Adamides, University of Patras, Greece (Vice-president and chapter representative)

3.      Dr. Yeorgios Stamboulis, University of Thessaly, Greece (General Secretary)

4.      Prof. Patroclos Georgiadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (Treasurer)

5.    Prof. Nicolas Georgantzas, Fordham University, N.Y., USA (Member)

The Chapter has now grown to 35 members while one corporate membership is pending.

The chapter organized a system dynamics session in the 1st National Conference of the Hellenic Society for Systems Studies that was held in Tripolis, Arcadia on 12-14 May 2005. The session was very successful and system dynamics was exposed to a wider audience of non-system dynamics researchers and practitioners. In addition to technical papers, the president of the chapter Dr. G. Papaioannou presented an introduction to the system dynamics activities in Greece.

The chapter also organized three system dynamics sessions in the 17th National Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society that was held in Patras on 16-17 June 2005. Fifteen papers were presented in these sessions. In addition, in the framework of the same conference, the Hellenic Chapter organized a plenary session where Prof. Brian Dangerfield talked on “System dynamics: to the tipping pointing and beyond”. Prof. Dangerfield was invited by the HCSDS and stayed in Patras for two days having meetings with the members of the chapter’s executive board.

On the 17th of June 2005, the executive board of the chapter met and decided to organize an annual meeting at around Christmas, which will also include a winter SD school. It was provisionally decided to hold the fist meeting in Thessaloniki.

The new web site of the chapter is currently under construction, will be hosted by the University of Patras, and will be up by early Fall.