Abstract for: The Road to 10% - A Systems Thinking Approach to Global Transformation

In 2015, Jay Forrester suggested that if we at the Waters Center for Systems Thinking could bring systems thinking to at least 10% of the world's population, then the world would be better off. Combining Jay's advice and our 30 years of experience, the mission became clear - to make systems thinking accessible to all, regardless of age, geography, language, or experience. Inspired by this global goal, and frequent questions about how we generate interest and grow systems thinking engagement, this hands-on, interactive workshop will explore these questions, How do you initiate interest in systems thinking? What are optimal in-person and virtual learning conditions for diverse groups of people from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences? Workshop participants will engage in a variety of exercises and approaches with collaborative debriefs ensuring all participants will leave with a next step and/or take-away to contribute to the 10%.