Abstract for: Advancing System Dynamics Modeling’s Integrative Paradigm: A Holistic Approach

The integrative approach to using qualitative and quantitative information is a cornerstone of system dynamics modeling. In this work, we aim to describe the efforts of a group of individuals to make this aspect of SD modeling easier to understand, communicate and do. To focus this, we describe the efforts of one individual (she/her). This WIP abstract aims to highlighting the significance and potential impact on research and practice of SD’s integrative methodology and to foster deeper discussions and broader collaborations to propel this important aspect of our field forward. We present three figures to aid in this effort. Figure 1 summarizes existing literature on system dynamics' integrative paradigm, while Figure 2 explores an alternative approach, and Figure 3 illustrates a case study of Paradigm Crossing, demonstrating the use of various tools including Rigorously Interpreted Quotation Analysis and Saturation, discussed in other submissions.