Abstract for: Traversing Learning Health System Paths: Insights from Literature and Simulation

While the goal of becoming a learning health system (LHS) is well supported in the literature, the process of developing a successful journey remains unclear. The objective of this project is to co-develop an LHS self-assessment tool and related resources that will guide health care organizations and systems seeking to increase their ability to research and implement evidence-based innovations that lead to improvements in health care quality, safety, value, and equity. The self-assessment and supporting resources will be developed, refined, pilot-tested, and organized in a sharable toolkit that will be disseminated to the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Consortium and beyond. The work presented here shares our progress on developing the model that is informing the design of this self-assessment tool. We are conducting an environmental scan of related literature. Our query design resulted in 4,451 articles across PubMed, web of science, social science complete, and scopes search engines. Articles are in process of being reviewed for inclusion and analyzed for causal language using Rigorously Interpreted Quotation Analysis in DynamicVu software.