Abstract for: From Roots to Realizations: Exploration of Intergenerational Trauma Among South Asian American College Students

This paper investigates the interplay of mental health challenges among second-generation South Asian American immigrant college students, focusing on the role of intergenerational trauma and parenting patterns due to the trauma. Utilizing a group model building approach, the study explores how violence and trauma are transmitted across generations, and sheds light on the interconnected variables and feedback loops that contribute to the mental health of this population. The findings highlight the need for culturally centered support, mental health education for their parents, culturally relevant role models, and community building to empower students to navigate their unique acculturative challenges. This work underscores the importance of participatory systems approaches to identify the complex factors affecting the mental health and well-being of marginalized students, and illustrates the potential of using these methods to study the social factors which contribute to intergenerational transmission of trauma in other populations.