Abstract for: Exploring the operating mechanism of the open innovation system for China’s 6G development

6G is a broader category of convergence, combining different fields with variety of technological breakthrough points, which may bring open and cross-border possibilities in technology and technology-based applications. Together with the formation of the 6G industrial chain and industrial ecology, its convergence development characteristic places higher demands on open innovation and complex cross-border innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the theory of open innovation and the method of systems thinking. China Mobile was chosen as a case study to explore it's collaboration with industry, academia, and research units to establish 6G innovation bases and develop a 6G innovation chain encompassing basic theories and product applications. Based on a three-tiered framework from a theoretical perspective of open innovation, this paper systematically explored the operating mechanism of the open innovation system for China’s 6G development by a casual loop diagram. It also evaluated the innovation performance of China Mobile's three main innovation bases by the social network method. Through the in-depth study of China's practice of promoting 6G open innovation, we advocate the need to widely promote 6G cooperation and open innovation at the international level, and make efforts to jointly promote the quality development of the global 6G industry.