Abstract for: An Adapted Version of Forrester’s “Scope of Management Decisions” Diagram for the Practice of Evidence Based Policy

Jay W. Forrester introduced his seminal work, "Industrial Dynamics," with a pivotal diagram on page 6, depicting the historical evolution of management decision-making and encompassing the breadth of managerial activities. In this paper/presentation, we delve into the implications of this diagram for those engaged in the practice of policy analysis, particularly in the context of evidence-based policy. Traditionally, discussions surrounding evidence-based policy have been confined to rigid dichotomies, exemplified by frameworks such as the US Department of Education's "What Works Clearinghouse". However, Forrester's diagram urges us to reconceptualize policy analysis as a continuum, emphasizing the importance of assessing the current state of affairs and striving to shift towards more desirable outcomes, rather than fixating on meeting predefined standards. Using our adapted diagram, we posit that the quality and rigor of policy analysis should be evaluated based on its ability to advance decision-makers along this continuum, from the "left" to the "right" of the diagram. This perspective also reshapes how we formulate policy recommendations and evaluate impact, especially within think tank organizations like <> and beyond. Rather than expecting immediate, definitive actions, recommendations may focus on guiding decision-makers towards incremental progress or refining their understanding of complex issues.