Abstract for: Revising the modelling line. A case report on curriculum change for simulation modelling methods

This paper presents a case report of a curriculum change in our bachelor programme on the interplay of public policy and engineering. To deal with higher student numbers and the integration of Python programming in our curriculum, we redesigned the modelling line, containing mostly quantitative methods. In the original programme, we had three different courses for stochastic (ABM and DES) and deterministic (SD) simulation methods, with each separate small projects where students had to work in groups of 5. In the new situation, we developed a spiral-learning approach to programming, merged the theory parts of stochastic (ABM) and deterministic (SD) simulation modelling, and developed a capstone project where students develop and use in pairs their own first simulation model. Although the new modelling line had some initial challenges due to COVID-19 and the more tight-coupled curriculum, the new modelling line was received very well by students, the university, and the review and accreditation committee.