Abstract for: Fostering Community Governance of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Stormwater Management: An Analysis of Power Decentralization

Integrating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in urban stormwater management holds transformative potential, promising enhanced adaptive capacities and numerous benefits for community well-being. Recognizing the localized nature of NBS projects, primarily managed at the community level, this study investigates the prospects of integrating community governance into NBS planning, implementation, and success, particularly concerning urban flooding. Intending to identify strategic leverage points for enhancing community governance structures in urban NBS implementation, the research employs an SD modeling approach. to explore the impact of decentralizing decision-making authority to local communities on the scalability and sustainability of NBS in urban stormwater management. The analysis examines dynamic interactions and causal relationships among decentralized decision-making structures and critical variables like participation, institutional frameworks, and capital that define governance. By emphasizing a comprehensive understanding of feedback mechanisms, the study seeks to unravel processes shaping the adaptive capacities of NBS over time, especially within the complex context of adapting to climate change impacts. This research strives to provide insights into the mechanisms governing scalable integration, of community involvement and participatory governance in Nature-based flood solutions. In doing so, it offers a foundation for fostering sustainable urban development amidst the escalating challenges of climate change.