Abstract for: Synergies (and potential conflicts) of applying system dynamics in the context of transition theory

Geels 2022 argues that using frameworks of causality for explana􀆟on in transi􀆟on theory can help to tackle cri􀆟cisms of linearity and be more explicit about structure and agency. He dis􀆟nguishes between three main concepts of causality relevant in this context: Conjunctural, configura􀆟onal and event-chain. All three of these causali􀆟es are viewed as important in the context of transi􀆟on theory and for enhancing explanatory power. As system dynamics is o􀅌en concerned with explaining systems as well as explaining transforma􀆟on, the main research ques􀆟on of this work in progress is: How can transition theory and system dynamics be linked in a beneficial way to enhance theoretical and empirical understanding of transitions?