Abstract for: A Dynamic Perspective on the Large-scale Agile Implementation in a High-tech Developing Firm: A Case Study

This study investigates the challenges and dynamics of implementing a hybrid project management (HPM) approach, combining agile project management (APM) and traditional project management (TPM) principles, within hardware-developing companies. While APM methodologies offer processes and roles, integrating them with existing TPM structures presents significant challenges. This research employs a case study approach to understand the implementation dynamics, resulting in the identification of four key mechanisms: the hybrid project management loop, conflicting planning requirements loop, focus issue loop, and the influence of the high-tech environment. Through interviews, document analysis, and observation, the study reveals unintended consequences hindering the desired outcomes of APM implementation. A causal loop diagram is constructed to illustrate these dynamics, offering practitioners insights into expected consequences and mitigation strategies during APM adoption within hardware development organizations. This research contributes to enhancing project planning flexibility and adaptability in response to turbulent market dynamics in the hardware industry.