Abstract for: Building Bridges for Different Insights - Combining System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modelling in Entrepreneurship Research

New technological energy innovations will be an integral part of reaching net-zero in Scotland. As a part of this, entrepreneurship needs to be nurtured. However, this is a complex process consisting of the alignment of different resources in a region under the correct social rules. As a result, this paper proposes that a hybrid modelling approach is needed to best provide insights on the matter. By using system dynamics (SD), we can illuminate causal mechanics to the context of entrepreneurship. Yet, SD does not account for who is present in the problem of study. Entrepreneurship research, however, has a great focus on this network as the distributor resources of the region to create innovation. Adding agent-based modelling could therefore be the answer to explicitly illustrate the effect of behaviour to interactions and thus how this again interacts with its environment. This paper found that hybrid modelling will patch some of the weaknesses of each modelling approach to give different insight than ‘just’ a system dynamics model.