Abstract for: Earth4All - insights from translating “Too Little Too Late” and “Giant Leap” into national contexts of the GS & GN

In 2022, 50 years after Limits to Growth, the international Club of Rome published the Earth4All study, which laid out two potential future scenarios until 2100: a baseline, “Too Little Too Late” (TLTL) scenario; and an aspirational, “Giant Leap” (GL) scenario. Policies that ensure the targets are reached, need to be implemented on the national level.For this, it is important to understand how the global scenarios can be translated to different national contexts. Hence the guiding questions and relevant sub-questions of this paper are: 1) How can the global TLTL and the GL scenarios be translated to the context of the Global South and the Global North? 2) What are the implications when implementing a TLTL and a GL scenario into a national system dynamics model for the Global South compared to the Global North? To answer these questions, the two scenarios were implemented into the iSDG, a national level system dynamics model, for Austria and Kenya.