Abstract for: Reflections on Emerging Practice: Intersection of System Dynamics and Design Thinking

One of the core motivations of our work as practitioners is to use system dynamics to create change. However, their are ongoing questions about the method’s effectiveness in translating insight into action. Design thinking shows promise as a potential complement to system dynamics to support system change efforts. While integrating design thinking shows conceptual promise, there are limited examples of how the intersection works in practice and little clarity on the potential functions or purposes to create change. Our methodological exploration responds to calls in the field to expand the practice of system dynamics to strive for relevance and impact in system change efforts. In this practitioner application, system dynamics practitioners reflect on our recent integration of system dynamics and design thinking in four different projects with six different collaborating organizations. For each exemplar project we describe the context and how the intersection worked in practice. We highlight methodological similarities and differences, propose emerging potential functions for integration, and articulate implications for the field.