Abstract for: Augmenting Reality, Amplifying Understanding: Assessing the Effectiveness of Augmented Reality in Climate Change Communication

This study explores the use of Augmented Reality (AR) for visualizing climate change impacts and adaptation strategies, aiming to enhance public understanding and decision-making. By developing two AR applications focused on carbon storage in Northern Germany and rainfall changes in agriculture in ParĂ¡, Amazonia, Brazil, the research offers users immersive experiences to grasp the complex dynamics of climate change interactively. Preliminary findings from these case studies reveal a significant increase in stakeholder engagement and awareness, underscoring AR's potential in making climate change concepts tangible and relatable. Alongside, a System Dynamics (SD) model is being designed to map the connections between AR utilization and improved climate comprehension, integrating variables like stakeholder engagement and knowledge exchange. This ongoing work not only tests AR's effectiveness in climate communication but also aims to develop a comprehensive SD model that illustrates how enhanced visualization and interactive exploration from AR can contribute to informed environmental decisions and actions.