Abstract for: Enhancing Resource Efficiency and Reducing Metal Loss:A System Dynamic Approach to EU Mobile Phone Recycling and EoL Management

This study assesses the recycling potential of mobile phones in the EU, focusing on economic viability and logistics concerning precious metals and rare earth elements. With WEEE being the fastest-growing waste stream, exacerbated by low recycling rates, exports, and consumer neglect, this research employs a system dynamic approach through the MObile PHOne DYNamics in the EU (MOPHODYN/EU) model to explore mobile phone market dynamics, end-of-life management, and resource recovery from 1988 to 2050. Validated against historical data, the model reveals that while mobile phone usage surged until 2008, a decline is anticipated post-2024 due to demographic shifts. In 2018, only 10% of the 316 million end-of-life phones were recycled, underscoring a significant loss of resources. However, recycling presents a profitable opportunity to reduce primary mining impacts. Scenario analysis indicates that enhancing recycling rates, alongside an export ban and incentives for end-of-life phone returns, could significantly improve resource efficiency. The optimal scenario suggests potential reductions in resource loss by 40% and increases in recycling efficiency by 45% by 2050. This research highlights the critical need for policy changes and improved practices to enhance the sustainability of the EU's mobile phone ecosystem.