Abstract for: A Socio-Economic Model of the Effects of the Invasive Species Rugulopteryx Okamurae

Rugulopteryx okamurae, a brown alga native to the north-western Pacific, has become an invasive species in the Mediterranean, causing significant ecological and economic impacts. Detected first in the Strait of Gibraltar in 2015, it has spread to other Mediterranean regions, such as Alicante by 2023. Its invasion is concerning due to its contribution to biodiversity loss, habitat alteration, and the displacement of native species. Economically, it affects fisheries and tourism, necessitating costly management interventions. We're developing a dynamic population model using STELLA architect to understand its growth patterns, ecological impacts, and management strategies. This model integrates environmental factors, growth rates, and reproductive strategies, offering insights into potential interventions for mitigating its spread and safeguarding Mediterranean marine ecosystems and local economies. Our ongoing refinements focus on calibrating the model with real-world data and understanding the alga's lifecycle variations between its native and invasive environments, aiming to create a comprehensive tool for managing its impacts effectively.