Abstract for: Strengthening European Laboratory Capabilities and Public Health: A Dynamic Model for Epidemic Preparedness

This study explores the dynamics of laboratory-based preparedness systems against epidemic diseases, emphasizing the interplay between technological resources and public health strategies. Employing a system dynamics approach, it models the complex interactions within European Union laboratory networks, focusing on pathogen identification, medical countermeasure development, and threat assessment. Data were gathered from literature and interviews with 20 experts, aiming to uncover process dynamics, resource allocation, and behavioral factors influencing pandemic response. Preliminary findings highlight the importance of existing relationships and knowledge feedback loops within research groups. The research anticipates contributing a detailed model of laboratory preparedness and response, identifying key system leverage points to enhance decision-making and improve pandemic preparedness. Finally, the research aims to support policymakers by providing insights into effective response strategies, thereby potentially reducing the health, social, and economic impacts of epidemics.