Abstract for: Exploring the Spaces in Between the Identity Structures: How we get out of the identity ‘check boxes’

Identity structures encompass a wide array of characteristics that contribute to an individual's sense of self and social positioning. These structures can include aspects such as race, ethnicity, and gender, as well as roles like parenthood and professional identity. Identity structures are deeply embedded within mental models, influencing individuals' perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors. Archetypes, which are fundamental symbols or patterns present in the collective unconscious, provide a framework for understanding and interpreting identity structures.To bring about systemic change, it is crucial to make these identity structures and archetypes visible, leveraging changing paradigms. Systems thinking serves as a valuable tool in this endeavor, allowing for a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of identity structures and their impact on societal systems. Moreover, embodiment plays a critical role in shaping and unraveling identity structures, as individuals' physical experiences and interactions with the environment contribute to the construction of their identities. By recognizing the significance of identity structures, archetypes, and their integration within mental models, it becomes possible to employ systems thinking to facilitate paradigm shifts and promote meaningful change within societal systems.