Abstract for: Multi-functionality of Nature-based Solutions - a systems view

This literature review addresses the need for a comprehensive understanding of multi-functionality in Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for climate change adaptation (CCA). Multi-functionality concerns the three main impact dimensions of NbS: social, ecological and economic. Failure to account for the complexity of the social-ecological systems (SES) in which NbS are embedded has resulted in inconsistent impacts, which are exacerbated by practical ambiguity due to a limited scientific evidence base on this multi-functionality. This two-sided problem limits the successful uptake of NbS, leading literature to urge for a holistic approach on multi-functionality. The objective of this review is twofold: 1) Identify limitations in the understanding of the multi-functionality of NbS for climate change adaptation, 2) Assess how a systems approach with a system dynamics modeling application may help overcome these limits. We find that there is a need for greater understanding of the multi-functional trade-offs amongst various NbS strategies over time, under different climate scenarios and for various stakeholders. The complex context of SES and the identified limitations in understanding of multi-functionality create an environment in which a systems approach thrives, and so does SD modelling. Yet, literature on this topic is limited, indicating that (exploratory) research assessing SDM’s capacity to model NbS multi-functional trade-offs is required.