Abstract for: Exploring the application of qualitative and quantitative generic model structures in investigating dynamic complex phenomena

The issues of repeatability, agility and reliability are critical predicates in model-based investigations through SD. Generic model structures such as archetypes, canonical situational models and molecules have been extensively used to reach domain-specific insight. This paper presents three model-based investigation exercises to explore different applications of qualitative and quantitative generic model structures in investigating a specific type of dynamic complex phenomenon – rebound effects in sustainability-oriented innovation. The exercises are diverse in the breadth of the investigation, case-specific insight potential, and theory-building potential. Also, they present specific characteristics that influence the repeatability, agility, and reliability of model-based investigations. Finally, four research avenues are presented to advance discussions about using generic model structures and enhancing the field’s ability to provide domain-specific insight in an era with pressing needs for science-based decision-making.