Abstract for: Using System Dynamics participatory modelling to support international river basin policy discussions: The case of the Lielupe

A System Dynamics (SD) approach is helpful to unravel the intricate nature of resource nexus in river basins. Interactions within and across the water, energy, food and ecosystems sectors (i.e. WEFE nexus) imply the existence of synergies and trade-offs regarding long-term river basin policy planning. International river basin exhibits even more complexity around nexus issues due to the existence of upstream-downstream countries’ interactions. Here we present a participatory SD experience aiming to support WEFE Nexus policy planning in the Lielupe, an international river basin shared between Latvia and Lithuania. Based on an established SD participatory modelling cycle, we highlight how stakeholder input takes place across several workshops aligned with the modelling stages, and how it feeds into modelling outcomes e.g. CLDs and SFDs. The case study showcases how participatory modelling can support long-term policy discussions aligned with a sustainability paradigm in international river basins.