Abstract for: Dynamics of Youth Violence and the Prevention Efforts of Fútbol for Good Programs in Colombia

This study examines the self-perpetuating cycle of youth violence in Colombia and evaluates the preventative impact of Fútbol for Good (FfG) programs. In Colombian vulnerable settings, adolescents, particularly young men, are entangled in a cycle of violence exacerbated by the drug trafficking, lack of opportunities, and cultural norms. The study utilizes a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) to analyze the complex dynamics at play, revealing robust subsystems that perpetuate violence through misguided mental models, were non-aggressive individuals’ resort to violence or gang affiliation for protection, paradoxically increasing their risk of future violence. FfG programs present a moderating force against these cycles, yet their influence is currently overshadowed by more powerful violent feedback loops fueled by the drug business. These programs, and the community coaches who lead them, require stronger support through economic, logistical, and social incentives to effectively counter the appeal of gangs and the illegal world. The study proposes a strategic focus on fútbol programs that emphasize violence prevention, parental training, and socioemotional learning over those primarily driven by profit. The paper highlights the self-organizing principle of communities, with interventions by community coaches acting as catalysts for sustained participation and program continuity. The study suggests prioritizing support for existing fútbol initiatives that tap into the inherent community strengths.