Abstract for: The Role of Group Model Building in Facilitating Civil Servants’ Systems Thinking Competencies Development

Systems thinking (ST) implementation is challenging, resulting in slow adoption. Fostering capacity-building to enhance a decision-maker's systems thinking competencies (STC) is a crucial aspect that may drive the confidence and motivation to implement ST. However, what constitutes a systems thinker and how to measure STC remain unclear. Current literature indicates that most measurement tools rely on self-reporting, necessitating the development of more objective instruments. In the context of STC development, Group model building (GMB) may contribute by facilitating its participants' learning. However, there is still limited literature investigating how it supports STC development, especially in professional contexts, particularly in competency development for civil servants facing institutional complexity. Hence, this PhD aims to enhance the objectivity of STC measurement tools to reduce self-report biases and explore the role of GMB in developing civil servants' STC. We conducted a pilot study that included a questionnaire with open-ended questions, interviews with hypothetical scenarios, and participant observation during a GMB workshop. The results, alongside a scoping review, will inform the main case study's design. The study will involve expert focus group discussions, interviews, pre-post STC measurements, and GMB observations during a professional development programme