Abstract for: Exploration of Human Factor Impact on Technology Adoption in Warehouse Operations using System Dynamics Model

General notation of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 is now clear, but the future implications on warehouse operations remain underexplored. Advanced technology aims to design and manage operations, transitioning the focus to synergise human and machine instead of seeking human replacement. Despite the increasing prevalence of automation and assistance technologies in warehouse operations, it is generally acknowledged that human involvement will continue to be a critical component of the system. Human factors are frequently overlooked in research and application, leading to a notable gap. This study aims to employ system dynamics (SD) simulation to model and optimise human-machine interaction in warehouse operations. The objective is to identify key human factors such as psychosocial, physical, and mental dimensions in warehouse operations, focusing on the impact of worker well-being and productivity on operational efficiency. The methodology selected involves using system thinking tools, specifically causal loop diagrams (CLD) and creating stock and flow diagrams (SFD) in Vensim to develop dynamic model’s overtime. This research proposed a comprehensive systems approach to optimise warehouse operations, focusing on human factors impact. The SD model offers robust decision support tools, enabling management to make informed decisions that improve efficiency by considering the effects of human variables.