Abstract for: Drought: Effects of Human Intervention in the Brazilian Amazon

This study presents a System Dynamics exploration into the multifaceted consequences of human intervention in the Brazilian Amazon. Focusing on the extensive deforestation for cattle farming and mono-crop agriculture, the paper critically examines the dichotomy between economic growth and the ensuing environmental degradation, particularly biodiversity loss and drought. The research illuminates how these ecological disruptions not only damage the forest ecosystem but also have profound effects on public health and societal well-being. By employing a robust System Dynamics model, the paper elucidates the complex feedback loops and interdependencies that characterize the Amazonian environment and its exploitation. This model serves as the foundation for an Interactive Learning Laboratory, designed to foster a deeper understanding of the Amazon's dynamics. The laboratory offers a platform for stakeholders to engage in exploration, discussion, and the collaborative design of more effective and sustainable policies. Ultimately, this work aims to contribute to the discourse on balancing economic development with environmental stewardship, seeking pathways towards the sustainable management of this crucial global ecosystem.