Abstract for: Group model building as a pedagogical strategy to simulate Covid-19 Epidemic

The work described in this paper aimed to follow the ideas of group model building in order help undergraduate students to model and learn about Covid-19 epidemic as it was developing in Mexico. Two key bodies of knowledge were used in this endeavor: Group model building and system dynamics. A reference group was formed and included four type of stakeholders: Owners of transnational companies based in Toluca City (Mexico) authorities of Toluca Municipality; health specialists and undergraduate students. The SIR model was the basis of the initial dynamic model. Improvements of the initial model were possible through discussions between students, teacher and the reference group; and concluded with models that reflected the difference intensities of Covid-19 infection. Students and teacher used the modified system dynamic models in order to create different scenarios changing key variables and leverage points, as a result meaningful discussions and learning about the developing epidemic in Toluca City emerged. Students reflected not only upon the usefulness of system dynamic models to simulate locally Covid-19 epidemic but also were able to reflect upon the group model building process.