Abstract for: Epiphanies and the Systems Paradigm: Towards the Discovery of a Systems Thinking Red Pill

We examine the potential of a systems thinking epiphany in the context of business and also analyze potential methods of inducing such an epiphany. Our study details the systems thinking epiphany of Sam Carpenter. Sam’s profound systems thinking epiphany is viewed through the lens of Loder’s (1981) work on transformational knowing. The study then discusses a potential method of reproducing this epiphany through deliberate practice in systems thinking. Finally, the study concludes by considering challenges in the systems thinking literature with respect to utilizing that body of literature towards the creation of a systems thinking deliberate practice. This study represents an introductory academic work on the potential for a systems thinking epiphany. It is one of the first studies to merge the literature on epiphanies with the work done in deliberate practice.