Abstract for: A Simultaneous Simulation of Human Behavior Dynamics and Epidemic Spread: A Multi-Country Study Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

The transmission dynamics of infectious diseases and human responses are intertwined, forming complex feedback loops. However, many epidemic models fail to endogenously represent human behavior change. In this study, we introduce a novel behavioral epidemic model that incorporates various behavioral phenomena into SEIR models, including risk-response dynamics, shifts in containment policies, adherence fatigue, and societal learning, alongside disease transmission dynamics. By testing our model against data from 8 countries, where extensive behavioral data were available, we simultaneously replicate death rates, mobility trends, fatigue levels, and policy changes. Our model offers a comprehensive depiction of changes in multiple behavioral measures along with the spread of the disease. We assess the explanatory power of each model mechanism in capturing data variability. Our findings demonstrate that the comprehensive model that includes all mechanisms provides the most insightful perspective for understanding the influence of human behavior during pandemics.