Abstract for: Towards A Framework for Crisis Management Training Grounded in System Dynamics – an Interdisciplinary Research Program

It is apparent that the process of crisis management is governed by the same complex dynamic mechanisms that are characteristics of the training process itself: delayed non-linear feedback. Learning is accumulated, often with significant delays, through feedback loops with intricate non-linear relations between decisions and their outcomes, that in turn form the basis of competence gained from such training. We propose a research program that aims to develop new knowledge on crisis management training that will be far reaching beyond the current state of the art. By bridging the gap in knowledge between the practice of the field and scientifically validating and testing pedagogy-based training and utilizing the possibilities that lies in use of top modern technology (simulations supported by VR, AR, and AI), the program will develop a framework for improved crisis management training. With a focus on both learning outcome and learning process, the results will bring forward a comprehensive learning cycle grounded in system dynamics principles.