Abstract for: Towards a “fit for purpose”, fully coupled, integrated, and interdisciplinary world-Earth model - FRIDA Version 1.0

In this work we document FRIDA v1.0 a simple, box-model-type joint climate - IAM (Integrated Assessment Model) or world-Earth model. With this model we have demonstrated the importance of having a dynamically complex feedback-rich model which interconnects the climate and the human system. Representing the breadth of connections between the sectors of world-Earth system has allowed us to capture the unintuitive outcomes which arise from a more fully connected World Earth system, specifically that including climate damage in our model, reduces projections of warming. We have used FRIDA v1.0 (an admittedly developing model) to demonstrate the difficulty of reaching a 2℃ target in 2100 without relying on BECCS and other yet-to-be-tested at large-scale, negative emission energy producing technologies. The analysis based on this model shows that even in our most aggressive and unrealistically optimistic policy scenarios, we barely reached the 2℃ target on average. From the perspective of our developing modelling work with FRIDA v1.0, the 1.5℃ target is wholly unachievable without these negative emissions technologies, and more likely than not, 2.5℃ or warmer will be the result of current day levels of actions and commitment to addressing the causes of climate change.