Abstract for: Mapping Key Drivers for Carsharing in London Through a Systems Thinking Approach

The development of urban transport and private cars has provided many benefits to society. However, this comes with a price and brings a lot of challenges. A change towards a sustainable transport system is imperative, where diminishing the dominance of private cars and fostering a transition towards other transport modes plays a significant role. In this context, carsharing serves as an alternative to private cars. Despite considerable advancements in technology and economics, at the heart of this systemic change lies people. It is crucial to design engineering solutions with a human-centric approach, ensuring they are shaped by a deep understanding of people’s needs and behaviour. This research recruited 30 participants in focus groups and conducted an analysis based on a systems thinking approach, with an emphasis on understanding complex interactions within the context of London. Ultimately, the study presents a causal loop diagram that explains how different factors influence individuals’ intention to adopt private car ownership and carsharing service, providing insights into the key drivers and relations that enable a transformation of the transport system.