Abstract for: Teaching Loop Dominance Analysis and Leverage Point Identification in the Classroom Using Loops That Matter

In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to experience application of the curriculum materials developed at University of Bergen for teaching loop dominance analysis and leverage point identification using Loops that Matter. Loops that Matter (LTM) identifies and measures the feedback loops responsible for model behavior. The purpose of this workshop is to give educators hands-on experience with the curriculum, and its applications in the classroom. This is not a technical webinar focusing on the mechanics of LTM. This workshop will be given in two parts. The first part will cover “Feedback loop analysis and narrative building with Loops that Matter”. The second part will cover “Identifying leverage points for Systems Change with Loops that Matter”. Each session will end with a group discussion about the analysis done, and an opportunity to give feedback on how the lesson played out. There are no prerequisites for this workshop.