Abstract for: Where Will Food Come From? A Look at the Potential of Vertical Farming in Norway with a System Dynamics Simulation Model

The world’s population continues to grow and its food demand along with it. Population growth is occurring particularly in urban areas where there is less available farm space. In response, governments and private leaders are looking for new agricultural advancements to feed this growing population, especially when it comes to providing fruit and vegetables. One such technology that is increasingly being highlighted is vertical farming. This paper looks to understand how vertical farming can be implemented in one country, Norway, and will try to answer the question: As Norway’s urban population grows, can vertical farming meet the growing demand for plant produce while reducing the need for imports? The System Dynamics (SD) methodology was chosen as this problem is complex and occurring over time. It is used to help explain and explore the possibilities of a country’s investment in vertical farming. Norway is a suitable candidate due to its willingness to become more self-sufficient and the capability of investing in this new technology. Based on the findings of this model, it is evident that vertical farming can make an immediate impact in increasing the amount of produce from domestic production. However, it is heavily reliant on government investments and will require more drastic measures to sustain a population whose consumption habits are continuously climbing.