Abstract for: System dynamics approach for Climate Resilient Development in coastal cities

In the context of climate change, the Mediterranean region and its cities are characterized by a high degree of vulnerability to climate variations where frequency, and intensity of extreme events are increasing. Phenomena such as floods, water scarcity, droughts, heat waves, coastal erosion and saline intrusion are having an increasingly strong impact on the environment and human activities and water management is a central issue in the Mediterranean region. Climate resilient development is the process of implementing integrated greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation measures to support sustainable development (IPCC, 2023) by transforming the built, social, and ecological environment to trigger transformative system changes across sectors. To assess the relevance of territorial adaptation measures in a dynamic and holistic approach, System Dynamic modelling can help representing the complex interrelation and influences of both conventional and nature-based solutions, to support climate-resilient water management in coastal cities and assist stakeholders in the identification of possible transformative pathways. In this paper, the proposed method aims at developing a semi-quantitative stock and flow model to support decision-making processes for urban climate adaptation in coastal areas, derived from the knowledge and description of coastal urban water systems and key climate mitigation and adaptation strategies and measures.