Abstract for: Exploring industrial hemp for carbon sequestration in Ireland (WIP)

This study investigates the potential of industrial hemp to mitigate CO2 emissions in Irish agriculture, exploring its capacity as a sequestration solution. Utilising System Dynamics (SD) modelling, the study assesses hemp’s contribution toward Ireland’s goal of reducing agricultural 25% emissions by 2030. The Hemp in Agriculture for Carbon Sequestration (HACS) simulates interactions between land use, hemp, and CO2 emissions, incorporating variables such as land availability, licensing, and agricultural practices. A CLD is employed to identify the key determinants of hemp's scalability to 2030. Findings indicate that hemp can significantly contribute to emission reduction targets, with the potential to offset a substantial portion of agricultural CO2 by 2030. It underscores the importance of integrating environmental and agricultural strategies to leverage hemp’s benefits effectively. By forecasting hemp’s impact, this study contributes valuable insights to Ireland’s environmental strategy and broader EU and global sustainability goals. Future work employs multimethod hybrid modelling to enhance sectoral change analysis for the net-zero transition, emphasising integrated land management and strategic crop utilisation.