Abstract for: Smart Project Portfolio Management for The New National Capital City (IKN) Development Using System Dynamics
To solve infrastructure development problems, we can implement a smart city program. The smart city concept for infrastructure leads to social, technical, and financial barriers. Smart infrastructure programs for smart technologies are sensors, crowdsourcing and citizen science, actuators, data transmission, internet of Things, big data analytics, data visualization, and blockchain. Furthermore, the smart infrastructure program for the civil engineering domain is transportation systems, water systems, air quality, energy infrastructure, solid waste management, construction management and engineering, structures, and geotechnical systems. However, there is still a gap in its implementation to build smart infrastructure in the The New National Capital City (IKN) between implementation and planning from the portfolio to the implementation of the IKN project. This research aims to develop the concept of smart infrastructure in The New National Capital City (IKN) using a System Dynamics-based project portfolio management method. The methods used are literature studies and meta-analysis to obtain state-of-the-art research, surveys, and interviews. The expected result of this research is a System Dynamics-based project portfolio management concept to build smart infrastructure in IKN effectively and efficiently. The results of this research are also useful for decision makers from the government and the private sector.