Abstract for: Do causal loop diagrams stimulate the use of information and systems thinking?

System Dynamicists primarily rely on model diagrams to convey findings to clients. Despite their significance, there has been limited examination of the effectiveness of such diagrams. In this study, we employed a mixed-method design with two sequential presentations (CLD/Text or Text/CLD) to examine the impact of causal loop diagrams (CLD) on professionals' (N=14) ability to engage in systems thinking and information utilisation. Through a case study on juvenile crime, utilising a think aloud method, we prompted police and municipal professionals to articulate their understanding of the problem's causes and the potential impact of an intervention. Additionally, we explored the correlation between the concepts of self-efficacy, response-efficacy, and the need for cognition with systems thinking. Findings suggest that presenting a CLD following textual information enhances information utilisation and systems thinking. We discuss implications for the discipline and potential directions for future research.