Abstract for: Reflections and Insights on System Dynamics Pedagogy

The pedagogical style and mental models of an instructor have a critical impact on classroom focus, environment and student learning. The texture of a student’s first introduction to a new field deeply impacts their interest and retention, which is especially true in system dynamics (SD). Through semi-structured qualitative interviews with five educators from a private American institution, this paper explores the spectrum of pedagogical experiences, identifying both obstacles and enablers in SD teaching across various academic disciplines. All interviews were translated into causal loop diagrams, which are system dynamics models that illustrate the key variables and causal links related to teaching SD. The findings suggest that the integration of SD into the school culture, hands-on modeling, and the creation of a supportive learning environment are crucial for overcoming math hesitancy and fostering student proficiency. The paper contributes to the broader discourse on SD education, urging a reflective and adaptive teaching paradigm that resonates with students' evolving educational needs and aspirations, thereby advancing the field of system dynamics to address the complex challenges of our time. The strategies shared are of increasing importance in the United States as math skills are declining, and math hesitancy is increasing.