Abstract for: Overcoming Policy Resistance to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

This paper asks: How can system dynamics modeling generate and communicate knowledge for organizational policy-making that better achieves goals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)? Research findings and societal statistics show common organizational policies in this field have fallen far short of their goals over many decades. We argue this policy resistance resides in inadequately recognized and addressed vicious cycles. Our analyses reveal a neglected leverage point: structuring productive intergroup interactions to achieve superior work unit performance. Drawing on large bodies of extant research, we present organizational-level models of system dynamics involving virtuous cycles that can be implemented practically by organizational leaders and managers to produce inclusion, equity, and work unit performance. The models identify the need to combine a comprehensive set of inclusive organizational practices and evolve them through policy persistence. In this endeavor, we invite input from individuals with system dynamics expertise to identify next steps for DEI research and dissemination.