Abstract for: How SD modelling facilitates the transition process to sustainable assets

Physical assets play a key role in the transition to a sustainable society. Human beings have the needs like to live, to eat, to work, to travel and to go on holiday. In all these needs physical assets like buildings, production plants, infrastructure, cars, trains, airplanes and ships are used. A big societal challenge is to transform these fossil fuel driven physical assets into sustainable assets which have zero emissions, low energy need and are built and maintained with circulair material use throughout their life cycle. And also within an economical context i.e. it must be financial affordable for all stakeholders involved. In this presentation we will show how system dynamics modeling and scenario-analyses succesfully contributes to this transition process. Getting stakes and stakeholders aligned so they are able to get a shared understanding of future uncertainty. Able to undertake measurements to reduce these uncertainties and make decisions to get and keep the transition going to achieve the 2030 goals and 2050 ambition as came from the Paris Agreement. This approach has been succesfully applied and is currently still applied in several transition pathways for physical assets.