Abstract for: To solve the Agile development dilemma by Improving Rework Model

Agile development projects are required to keep up with the rapid changes in society. However, it has been pointed out that the higher the agility, the easier it is to accumulate technical debt and the more difficult it becomes to manage the project. This study aims to resolve this agile development project dilemma. Although the rework model was developed in System Dynamics as a result of project management research, it is difficult to directly adapt this model, which was born in the era of waterfall development, to agile development. Therefore, this study improves the existing rework model and builds a rework model that can be adapted to agile development projects. Utilizing that rework model for agile development, this study organized the project behavior and derived the conditions for solving the dilemma. In other words, it presents measures to prevent the effects of technical debt from becoming apparent in the management of agile development projects.