Abstract for: Using Group model Building to evaluate shared micro-mobility services in Bangkok, Thailand

Shared micro-mobility (SMM) services have emerged as a promising solution to enhance the sustainability of the urban transport system. In the broader picture, SMM services can provide travelers with last-first miles connections that complement public transport services to provide a viable alternative to private vehicles. However, the success of these services is still limited to a handful of cities, such as Zurich, Vienna, and London. SMM services in other cities, particularly those in the developing countries, such as Bangkok, have been unsuccessful. In this study, we carry out a systematic approach to review and reflect on the underlying reasons and factors that prohibited SMM services to be successful in Bangkok city. We involve public, private, and SMM providers in a participatory workshop (Group Model Building) to identify factors that influence the successes and failures of SMM services in the Bangkok case and ascertain how these factors interact. The outcomes of this project are expected to provide useful insight for future SMM service providers for Bangkok and other cities. Policymakers and transport planners can also use the knowledge to plan and design measures and policies to support SMM as a sustainable transport solution.