Abstract for: An SD Model to Assist Leaders Increase Diversity in their Organizations Applied to Twitter’s 25/25 Vision

Many tech companies in Silicon Valley have pledged to obtain a diverse workforce. In particular, there is the 25/25 vision of having 25% of the tech workers and leaders in the organization being from disadvantaged groups by 2025. One company that has signed on to the 25/25 vision is Twitter. In this paper, we collect data from Twitter on their progress towards this goal since 2017 and calibrate a System Dynamics model to project to 2025 to see if they are heading towards achieving their vision. The model provides valuable insights about where Twitter is heading based on different assumptions. However, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions because of gaps in the available data published by Twitter. We examine several scenarios and show that diversity appears to be reasonably high in Twitter and has increased in the past. Based on projections we can make with our model, they may reach their diversity goal. Our calibration suggests there appears to be a strong interest among the qualified minority population to apply for a job at Twitter.