Abstract for: Modelling synergies and trade-offs between SDG13 and other SDGs in Austria
Countries worldwide, including Austria, are now faced with the challenge of implementing the SDGs and goals of the Paris agreement as effectively and efficiently as possible. To enable this, it is important to identify and implement measures and investments that enable synergies and avoid or minimize trade-offs. Computer-aided models are suitable to represent and analyse potential development paths of the individual goals, which make it possible to simulate planned measures and costs as well as their (reciprocal) effects. The aim of this research is to apply a System Dynamics model, to understand the interactions between the SDGs in Austria. Special focus is placed on development paths for SDG13 and their synergies and trade-offs with other SDGs. For this purpose, the internationally established iSDG model, which enables modeling of the SDGs and their interactions up to 2050, is calibrated for Austria and, together with stakeholders and experts, the basis for further development and adaptation of the model is created.