Abstract for: Participatory Modeling of the Linkages Between Agricultural Productivity and Wetland Management in Iganga District, Uganda

More than 80% of Uganda’s population is dependent on rainfed agriculture for their livelihoods. However, erratic rainfall patterns have led to reduced agricultural productivity. Consequently, a large proportion of the population is heavily dependent on wetland resources for alternative livelihoods. This negatively impacts wetland provisioning and regulatory services. Recognizing that agricultural activities are a key contributor to livelihoods and food security, is important for effective wetland management but there is limited research on the feedback mechanisms within the wetland-agricultural system in Uganda. The aim of this research is to generate information about the causal and feedback mechanisms between wetland management and agricultural productivity in Uganda. Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: (i) Which feedback mechanisms reinforce food insecurity among the local communities? (ii) Which feedback loops can be exploited to balance wise use of wetland resources and community livelihoods? (iii) Which combination of policies is most effective in achieving sustainable wetland management? This will be achieved by administering questionnaires to wetland users, followed by a workshop in which stakeholders from the wetland and agricultural sectors will participate. The information from the interviews and workshop will be used to construct a system dynamics model of the wetland-agricultural system.