Abstract for: An epidemiological compartmental model of malaria with host-vector interactions

We present a model that builds upon the established frameworks of compartmental models for malaria, using a Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) decomposition of populations, and includes several features unique to the dynamics of malaria in the study setting. The model consists of three main sub-structures which we refer to as sectors: Humans, Female Mosquitoes, and Human-Mosquito Interactions. These sectors constitute the backbone of the model. The model simulations generate realistic outputs of typically observed malaria dynamics and behave in accordance with expected patterns of malaria dynamics in the study area. The validity of the model structure is tested by numerous extreme condition and sensitivity tests throughout the model development process. The results convince us that the model, given its purpose, is structurally and behaviorally valid, and provides a well-tested and robust platform for scenario analysis. Further research will involve incorporating the long-term interactions with aging, weather changes, and/or policy interventions.