Abstract for: System Analysis and Evaluation of Ride-Hailing from Different Business Perspectives

The objective of this study is to explore the structures, cause-effect relations, and dynamics of ride-hailing from different business perspectives (On-Demand Mobility Provider and Fleet Manager) to assess how their design and characteristics affect their performance. Because existing approaches (e.g. Business Plan, Business Model Canvas) do not create sufficient understanding of all components and interactions of business models, including feedbacks, cyclical dependencies, and dynamic behavior, the System Dynamics based Business Model Simulation approach proposed by Moellers et al. (2017) and Moellers et al. (2019) will be applied. In contrast to the existing literature, we pursue a comprehensive performance evaluation, considering metrics that are specifically relevant to the success of the ODM Provider and Fleet Manager. In addition, the model will be applied to case studies of cities of different archetypes as well as to future scenarios. In the first step, the ODM Provider and Fleet Manager were analyzed qualitatively using Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs). Both were modeled separately, but as an interacting system. The next step is to extend this to a quantitative model using Stock and Flow Simulation to test cause and effect relationships and sensitivities with appropriate data.