Abstract for: Supply and Service Chain Dynamics in a Digital Age: Going beyond the traditional usage of honeypot data

Supply chain dynamics provides us with a lot of knowledge about the drivers for the bullwhip effect and levers to reduce this effect. In an increasingly digital world, the usage of information technology can contribute too. Both the increased dependency on information technology and introduction of new digital technological service concepts (like DAAS, PAAS, SAAS) intensify the potential of cyber risks to such chain. We believe this introduction to cyberspace evokes new game theory-like dilemmas with their own dynamic structure that affect the bullwhip effect. Our exploratory research focusses on a service chain. The basis of this paper is a modelling project where we combined honey pot data (external view / attacker view) with SD modelling techniques. This combination provides us insights about the defenders’ strength and occurred incidents (internal view). Our application of honeypot data goes far beyond the regular intelligence gathering and scanning activities. This research highlighted that additional bullwhip effects, although differently observed, may occur in a service chain based on these new service concepts. We also noticed that sharing of security relevant information improves effective management in such chain. That is, early anticipation of the defender to limits the impact of cyber-attacks.